Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The panoptic interaction order?

Discourse moves in the facilitation of a classroom discussion:

1.     establish norms (e.g. Grice’s maxims)
2.     invite participation
3.     compel participation (“cold calls”)
4.     evaluate participants’ comments
5.     wait for responses (“intuitively” assess appropriate wait time)
6.     probe for explanations, clarifications and elaborations
7.     clarify and summarize participants’ ideas
8.     repeat, highlight, or emphasize salient points
9.     make relevant and insightful links between participants’ comments
10.                         (re)direct and (re)distribute turn-taking
11.                        respond and participate in ways that model quality of participation
12.                        banter; insert appropriate witticisms
13.                        promote self-forgetful / unself-conscious participation
14.                        maintain lively pace of conversation, adroitly pacing students’ interactions

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